How to Tell Your Children About Your Divorce

If you made the decision to divorce your spouse, your next task will be to talk to your children about it. Breaking this news to your children will likely be one of the most challenging conversations you have, so it is important to plan what you will say and when you will say it. More importantly, you should set aside the issues you have with your spouse, so you can deliver the news together. Presenting a united front is essential for helping your children feel safe and secure.

Talking to Your Children About Divorce

Timing is everything when it comes to telling your children about your divorce. You and your spouse should plan to have this conversation when they have enough time to process it, such as a Friday, before the weekend begins. You should not plan to tell them on a special day, such as a holiday, or before bedtime.

Here are some additional tips on how to approach this conversation:

  • Do not point fingers at each other. Playing the blame game will not help your children cope with the seriousness of this situation, so refrain from making such comments. When explaining why your marriage is ending, simply state that you are no longer happy together.
  • Reassure your children that, regardless of the divorce, you will both continue to love them and you are still a family. Your love for them is obvious to you, but they will likely need a lot of reassurance during this difficult time.
  • If you can provide any clarity during this conversation, such as which parent will remain in the family home, do so. The more they know what to expect, the less anxious they will be about the future.
  • Encourage them to ask questions, but do not pressure them to immediately share their thoughts and concerns. They may need some time to think things over before they are ready to ask questions or express how they feel about the situation.

Even after this conversation is over, you and your co-parent should remain available to further discuss any concerns your children may have.

Discuss Your Divorce Case with an Experienced Family Law Attorney Today!

If you are planning to divorce your spouse, do not hesitate to reach out to the team at the Law Office of Tzvi Y. Hagler, P.C. for the skilled legal guidance you need. Our experienced attorney has the insight and knowledge necessary to help you navigate the obstacles you may face as you dissolve your marriage while protecting your interests.

Reach out to our law office today at (516) 514-3868 to set up a consultation to discuss your case.
